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French Alpes

Our cousins visited us for the autumn break back in October and Annecy was to be our destination! It was a five-hour road trip, through the French Alpes, crossing by beautiful villages and forests that were changing from green to yellow, orange and red. One of the most breath-taking sceneries I have ever seen.

We had our first stop at Sisteron, located on the banks of the river Durance. The most amazing natural rock formation lays on the entrance of Sisteron. The Rocher de la Baume, is a rocky ridge dated form the Upper Jurassic period (150-145 million years ago). 

Sisteron, Rocher de la Baume
Le Palais de I'Île

We continued driving for some more hours and finally arrived in Annecy! The weather was rainy that night and a lot colder than in Provence. We were at a very different and unique part of France! Our hotel was right next to the Le Palais de I'Île, so after checking in we had our first walk around the city, we ate a cheesy fondue, had the most amazing cocktail and then, bonne nuit… 


Woke up early the next morning, to a gloomy and rainy scenery. Even though I really don’t like rainy weather I somehow appreciated its beauty walking around the lake. There was something magical about it. Time for yet another road trip…

We drove for about forty-five minutes and reached Geneva! We strolled around the beautiful city center, had a coffee/chocolate break and finally walked around Lac Léman

Annecy , Pont des Amours

The next day it was time to explore Annecy a little bit more, the weather was sunny and the city was suddenly different. We strolled around the city centre, the narrow streets and the little shops and cafés. Went all the way up to Castillo de Annecy and finally walked around the lake. Don’t miss Pont des Amours where the lake views are stunning! Sitting on a bench and sunbathing at lake side was one of our favourite experiences. The autumn colours were magical, the sweet October weather had you enjoying every moment in the sun. Food around Annecy and Savoy was very interesting. I will give you some of my recommendations, on our gastronomy section. 

Before you leave, don't forget to check our small gems section. The most gorgeous villages of that trip will be there!


We will be back Annecy.
À bientôt… 


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